22 July

Subsea electricity cable linking Ireland and France powers ahead

The Celtic Interconnector is the name of a project aiming to hook Ireland up with the European electricity grid using an undersea cable to France.

Capitalising on the visit of French President François Hollande today (21 July), the Irish government has revealed plans for the €1bn Celtic Interconnector.

With a planned capacity of 700 megawatts, apparently enough to power 450,000 households, EirGrid and its French counterpart Réseau de Transport d’Électricité (RTE) have been involved in the project for five years now.

Having completed a feasibility study, the two companies are now signed up to a memorandum of understanding to move onto a new two-year project to complete design and pre-consultation ahead of the tangible construction.

Should the entire project be completed, it will prove a reliable high-capacity link between the two countries which, according to Eirgrid, will “increase competition in the all-island single electricity market and support the development of renewable energy, particularly in Ireland”.

“It will improve security of supply on the island of Ireland and increase competition, driving down prices for customers,” said Fintan Slye, EirGrid’s chief executive.

Having completed a feasibility study, the two companies are now signed up to a memorandum of understanding to move onto a new two-year project to complete design and pre-consultation ahead of the tangible construction.

Should the entire project be completed, it will prove a reliable high-capacity link between the two countries which, according to Eirgrid, will “increase competition in the all-island single electricity market and support the development of renewable energy, particularly in Ireland”.

“It will improve security of supply on the island of Ireland and increase competition, driving down prices for customers,” said Fintan Slye, EirGrid’s chief executive.


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