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Diploma in Computer Science and Java Programming (EE) via Online Distance Learning

Enrolment date: 14 February 2025

Benefiting from over 30 years’ practical skills training experience, Fitzwilliam Institute’s Online Diploma in Computer Science and Java Programming (EE) course features:

  • Comprehensive modules covering all aspects of both Computer Science and Java Programming (EE): Computer Systems, Communication and Information, Microprocessor Systems, Operating Systems, Mathematics for Computing, Algorithms, Data Structure and Computability, Databases, CSS, JavaScript, Java Applications, Using Classes and Objects, Control Statements and Methods, Arrays, Overview of Java Applets, XML and RSS, Multithreading and Networking, Remote Method Invocation, Session Enterprise Java Beans, Entity Enterprise Java Beans, and many more.
  • Interactive course expert support, advice and guidance from leading industry professionals. Always ready to help or answer any questions you might have throughout the course, all of our course experts are top industry professionals with many years of successful experience. Our Diploma in Computer Science and Java Programming (EE) contains the core and vital industry key skillset and, on completion, all of our students are industry-ready.
  • Real life Computer Science and Java Programming (EE) briefs. Fitzwilliam Institute’s Diploma in Computer Science and Java Programming (EE) offers practical and specific skills that can be applied in real world situations. You will gain exposure to invaluable toolkits and resources and prepare real life Computer Science and Java Programming (EE) briefs, which will enable you to improve your work portfolio.
  • Flexible online learning. Fitzwilliam Institute’s Diploma in Computer Science and Java Programming (EE) course can be completed in your own time, from the comfort of your own home, to suit your lifestyle. You will have full access to online resources and subject expert support for 6 months. However, you can complete the course in as little as 4-6 months, by dedicating 6-8 hours of study per week.
  • Jobs, Networking and Volunteer Opportunities. Benefiting from many years of industry experience, we are extremely well placed within the industry. Employers are always looking for Fitzwilliam Institute’s students and alumni. Our website features a comprehensive jobs and volunteer opportunities section.
Enrolment date: 14 February 2025

Computer Systems

Computer Architecture; Machine Language; Program Execution; Arithmetic/Logic Instructions; Communicating with Other Devices; Other Architectures; Network Fundamentals; the Internet; the World Wide Web; Internet Protocols; Security; The History of a Computing Hardware; The History of a Computing Software;

Communication and Information

Managing Information; Thinking Machines; the Turing Test; Aspects of AI; Knowledge Representation; Semantic Networks; Search Trees; Expert Systems; Networking; Types of Networks; Internet Connections; Packet Switching; Open systems and protocols; TCP/IP; High- Level Protocols; MIME types; Firewalls; Information Retrieval; Organisation;

Microprocessor Systems

CPU Scheduling; Memory Process and CPU management; Batch Processing; Multiprocessor Operating Systems; Computers and Electricity; Gates 94; Gate 96; XOR gate 96; NAND and NOR gates 97; Transistors; Combinational Circuits; Adders; Multiplexers; Circuits as Memory; Integrated Circuits; CPU Chips; Individual Computer Components; Stored-program Concept; von Neumann Architecture; The Fetch-Execute Cycle; RAM and ROM; Secondary Storage Devices; Touch Screens; Embedded Systems; Parallel Computing; Parallel Hardware;

Operating Systems

The History of Operating Systems; Operating System Architecture; Coordinating the Machine’s Activities; Handling Competition among Processes; Security Roles of an Operating system; Memory Management; Process Management; Capabilities of the Hardware; Single User OS – Network OS; Real-time Operating Systems; Embedded Systems; Management of Input and Output; Processes and Scheduling; Threads; Synchronization; Semaphores; Monitors; Deadlock; Scheduling; Memory Management;

Mathematics for Computing

Numbers and Computing; Positional Notation; Binary; Octal and Hexadecimal; Arithmetic in other Bases; Power-of-2 Number Systems; Converting from Base 10 to other Bases; Binary Values and Computers;

Algorithms, Data Structures and Computability

The Definition of an Algorithm; The Role of Algorithms; The Science of Algorithms; The Concept of an Algorithm; Algorithm Representation; Unsolvable Problems; Analyzing Algorithms; Algorithms with Simple Variables; Composite Variables; Algorithm Discovery; Iterative Structures Recursive Structures; Efficiency and Correctness;


Spreadsheets; Spreadsheet Formulas; Circular References; Spreadsheets Analysis; Database Management Systems; the Relational Model; Relationships; Structured Query Language; Database Design; E-Commerce; The Ubiquitous Database; Database types; Advantages of Using a Database; Modelling the Data Domain; Building a relational Database from the Data Model; Normalisation; SQL; DDL; DML; Storied Procedures; Triggers; Data Integrity; Transaction Isolation Levels; Accessing the Database Programmatically;

Introduction to Computers and the Internet

Organization; Machine Languages; Assembly Languages and High-Level Languages; History of the Internet and World Wide Web; World Wide Web Consortium (W3C); Web; Personal; Distributed and Client/Server Computing; Hardware Trends; Object Technology; JavaScript: Object-Based Scripting for the Web; Browser Portability; C; C++ and Java; BASIC; Visual Basic; Visual C++; C# and ;NET; Software Technologies;

Web Browser Basics: Google Chrome

Introduction to the Google Chrome Web Browser; Connecting to the Internet; Features; Customizing Browser Settings; Searching the Internet; Keeping Track of Your Favorite Sites; File Transfer Protocol (FTP); Online Help; Other Web Browsers;

Understanding Web 2.0

What Is Web? Search; Content Networks; User-Generated Content; Blogging; Social Networking; Social Media; Tagging; Social Bookmarking; Software Development; Rich Internet Applications (RIAs); Web Services; Mashups; Widgets and Gadgets; Location-Based Services; XML; RSS; Atom; JSON and VoIP; Web Monetization Models; Web Business Models; Future of the Web; Where to Go for More Web; Information; Web Bibliography; Web Glossary;

Introduction to XHTML

Editing XHTML; First XHTML Example; W3C XHTML Validation Service; Headings; Linking; Images; Special Characters and Horizontal Rules; Lists; Tables; Forms; Internal Linking; meta Elements;

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Inline Styles; Embedded Style Sheets; Conflicting Styles; Linking External Style Sheets; Positioning; Elements; Backgrounds; Element Dimensions; Box Model and Text Flow; Media Types; Building a CSS Drop-Down Menu;User Style Sheets; CSS 3;

JavaScript: Introduction to Scripting

Simple Program: Displaying a Line of Text in a Web Page; Modifying Our First Program; Obtaining User Input with prompt Dialogs; Dynamic Web Page; Adding Integers; Memory Concepts; Arithmetic; Decision Making: Equality and Relational Operators;

JavaScript: Control Statements

Algorithms; Pseudocode; Control Structures; if Selection Statement; while Repetition Statement; Formulating Algorithms: Counter-Controlled Repetition; Formulating Algorithms: Sentinel-Controlled Repetition; Formulating Algorithms: Nested Control Statements; Assignment Operators; Increment and Decrement Operators; Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition; for Repetition Statement; Examples Using the for Statement switch Multiple-Selection Statement; break and continue Statements; Labeled break and continue Statements; Logical Operators; Summary of Structured Programming;

Human Computer Interaction

Modularity; Tools of the Trade; Quality assurance; Documentation; The Human- Machine Interface; Neural Networks – Biological/Artificial Neural Networks; Natural Language Processing; Voice Synthesis; Voice Recognition; Natural Language Comprehension; Robotics; The Sense-Plan-Act Paradigm; Physical Components;

Fundamentals of Programming and Program Design

Computer Operations; Machine Language; Assembly Language; Expressing Algorithms; Generations of Languages; Compilers and Interpreters; Virtual Machines; Procedural Programming; Object- Orientated Programming; Scripting Languages; Functional Languages; Language Design; Language Syntax and Semantics;

Creating Java Applications

Introduction to Java Applications; Using the javac command to compile Java applications; Using the java command to run Java applications; Displaying Text with printf; Variables and Introducing Arithmetic Operators; Equality and Relational Operators;

Using Classes and Objects

Classes; Objects; Methods and Instance Variables; Declaring Class and Methods; Instantiating an Object of a Class; Declaring a Method with a Parameter; Instance Variables; set Methods and get Methods; Primitive Types vs; Reference Types; Initializing Objects with Constructors; Floating-Point Numbers and Type double;

Control Statements and Methods

"if" Single-Selection Statement; "if" ;;; else Double-Selection Statement; while Repetition Statement; Counter-Controlled Repetition; Sentinel-Controlled Repetition; Nested Control Statements; Compound Assignment Operators; Increment and Decrement Operators; Primitive Types; Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition; break and continue Statements; Logical Operators; Static Methods; static Fields and Class Math; Notes on Declaring and Using Methods; Method-Call Stack and Activation Records;


Declaring and Creating Arrays; Examples Using Arrays; Enhanced for Statement; Passing Arrays to Methods; Multidimensional Arrays;

Classes and Objects and Inheritance

Classes and Objects; Inheritance: Constructors and Subclasses;

Polymorphism and Exception Handling

Polymorphism Overview; Creating Interfaces and Drawing with Polymorphism; Exception Handling;

Database and JDBC

Databases: SQL, MySQL, JDBC and Java DB;

GUI Programming

Computer Graphics and Modelling; Computer Rendering and Animation;

Software Engineering

The Software Lifecycle; Methodologies, Ownership and Liability; Reading a Software License; Software Disasters;

Computer Security 

Ethics Theories; Intellectual Property; Privacy; Encryption; Viruses; Worms and Trojan Horses; Hackers; Can Computers kill?; Information Security; Preventing unauthorized Access; Malicious Code; Antivirus Software; Security attacks; Passwords; CAPTCHA; Fingerprint Analysis; Cryptography; Security and Portable Devices; WikiLeaks;

Creating Java Applications

Introduction to Java Applications; Using the javac command to compile Java applications; Using the java command to run Java applications; Displaying Text with printf; Variables and Introducing Arithmetic Operators; Equality and Relational Operators.

Using Classes and Objects

Classes; Objects; Methods and Instance Variables; Declaring Class and Methods; Instantiating an Object of a Class; Declaring a Method with a Parameter; Instance Variables; set Methods and get Methods; Primitive Types vs. Reference Types; Initializing Objects with Constructors; Floating-Point Numbers and Type double.

Control Statements

"if" Single-Selection Statement; "if" ... else Double-Selection Statement; while Repetition Statement; Counter-Controlled Repetition; Sentinel-Controlled Repetition; Nested Control Statements; Compound Assignment Operators; Increment and Decrement Operators; Primitive Types; Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition; for Repetition Statement; do ... while Repetition Statement; switch Multiple-Selection Statement; break and continue Statements; Logical Operators.


Static Methods; static Fields and Class Math; Declaring Methods with Multiple Parameters; Notes on Declaring and Using Methods; Method-Call Stack and Activation Records; Argument Promotion and Casting; Java API Packages; Generalized Scaling and Shifting of Random Numbers; Scope of Declarations; Method Overloading.


Declaring and Creating Arrays; Examples Using Arrays; Enhanced for Statement; Passing Arrays to Methods; Multidimensional Arrays.

Classes and Objects

Class Case Study; Controlling Access to Members; Referring to the Current Object's Members with the this Reference; Overloaded Constructors; Default and No-Argument Constructors; Composition; Enumerations; Garbage Collection and Method finalize; static Class Members; static Import; final Instance Variables; Creating Packages.


Superclasses and Subclasses; protected Members; Relationship between Superclasses and Subclasses; Creating an Inheritance Hierarchy; Using protected Instance Variables; Using private Instance Variables; Constructors in Subclasses; Software Engineering with Inheritance.


Polymorphism Examples; Demonstrating Polymorphic Behavior; Abstract Classes and Methods; Polymorphic Processing; Operator instanceof and Downcasting; Allowed assignments between superclass and subclass variables; final Methods and Classes; Creating and Using Interfaces; Declaring Constants with Interfaces; Common Interfaces of the Java API

Exception Handling

Exception-Handling Overview; Handling ArithmeticExceptions and InputMismatchExceptions; When to Use Exception Handling; Java Exception Hierarchy; finally Block; Stack Unwinding; printStackTrace ; getStackTrace and getMessage; Chained Exceptions; Declaring New Exception Types; Assertions

Database and JDBC

Structured Query Language (SQL); Basic SELECT Query; WHERE Clause; ORDER BY Clause; Merging Data from Multiple Tables: Joining; INSERT INTO Statement; UPDATE Statement; DELETE FROM Statement; Creating Database books in Cloudscape; Manipulating Databases with JDBC; Connecting to and Querying a JDBC Data Source; PreparedStatements; Transaction Processing; Stored Procedures; Batch Processing; Processing Multiple ResultSets or Update Counts; Updatable ResultSets; JDBC; DataSource; Connection Pooling; RowSets


Executing an Applet in the appletviewer; Executing an Applet in a Web Browser; Applet Life-Cycle Methods; Initializing an Instance Variable with Method init; Sandbox Security Model


Loading; Displaying and Scaling Images; Animating Images; Image Maps; Loading and Playing Audio Clips; Playing Video and Other Media with Java Media Framework


Editing XHTML; First XHTML Example; XHTML Validation Service; Headings; Linking; Images; Lists; Tables; Forms; Internal Linking; Meta Elements;

Enrolment date: 14 February 2025
Enrolment date: 14 February 2025

On successful completion of this course you will receive a Professional Diploma qualification that is certified and awarded by the ICM (Institute of Commercial Management).

The Institute of Commercial Management was founded in 1979 and is one of the leading Professional Examination and Certification Bodies in the world today. Fitzwilliam Institute have developed and provided practical skills training courses in liaison with the Institute of Commercial Management qualifications and certifications framework for over 25 years. The Institute of Commercial Management certifications and continual professional development training awards are recognised by leading industries, bodies and professions.

Enrolment date: 14 February 2025
next start date: 14th February 2025

Duration: You will have full access to online resources and subject expert support for 6 months. However, you can complete the course in as little as 3 - 4 months, by dedicating 6-8 hours of study per week.

Course Fees: 995.00 EUR

To secure your place on the course the full fee is required. All fees must be paid in full before the course begins. Please note, the full course fees are inclusive of all course materials and certification costs.

Enrolment intake is strictly limited on this course. Early application is advised. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis.

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Fitzwilliam Institute closes on Bank Holidays and for a number of days at Christmas and New Year. Fitzwilliam Institute reserves the right to postpone, cancel or alter courses without notice or to change any of the details in this brochure. Fees are not refundable unless the course is cancelled by Fitzwilliam Institute. Distance Learning courses are provided by Fitzwilliam Institute BGLS Ltd.

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Enrolment date: 14 February 2025

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