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Diploma in Android and Location Application Development via Online Distance Learning

Enrolment date: 14 February 2025

In recent years, the IT industry has shown a significant increase in demand for IT Professionals that are skilled in Internet and Web Programming. This industry is rich in employment opportunities due to a high demand for professionals with the correct skillset for this area.

This course provides hands on training to designing and building mobile applications using Google's Android open-source platform. The course will equip you with the necessary practical skills to become an Android programmer. Throughout the entire duration of the course you will have support from subject experts who are themselves professionals in the industry.

This course also provides you with further programming experience through projects that present real world programming practice.This course is certified by the Institute of Commercial Management and the Diploma qualification is recognised in over 140 countries worldwide.

Enrolment date: 14 February 2025

Overview of the Android Environment

Learning Objectives, Overview of Android OS, Android Market.

Installing the Android Environment

Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Android Development Tools (ADT), Software Development Kit (SDK), Android Versions.

The Eclipse IDE

Building your App using Eclipse, Breakpoints in Eclipse, Debugging in Eclipse, Fixing Errors.

Java Programming Language

Variables, Strings, Control Structures, Arrays, Methods, Classes and OOP, Inheritance.


XML Format, XML Schema, XML used in Android.

Your First Android App

Creating your App using Eclipse, Understanding the Default Files, Setting up the Emulator, XML Layout and String resources.

Android Application Lifecycle - Activities

Creating Activities, The Activity Lifecycle, Activity Stacks, Activity States, Monitoring State Changes, Understanding Activity Lifetimes, The Activity Class.

Interacting with your Android Application

how to create Inputs/Widgets, How to Add Images, How to respond to User Input Events.

Designing the User Interface

App Design Guidelines, Introduction to Views and View Groups, Using Layouts, View Orientations.

Android UI Elements

Using Android provided Views, ListViews, PickerViews, Using Menus, Adapter Objects and Adapter Views, Displaying properties file contents.

Android Intents

Using Intents to launch Activities, Setting launch and task behavior, Understanding the Intent Object, Creating Intent Filters.

Broadcast Recievers 

Broadcast Recievers, Listening for Android System Broadcasts, Intent Flters, Pending intents.

Notifications and the Action Bar

Basic Notifications, Notification Big Text and Inbox Styles, How to create a new action when the Notificatuion is Clicked. 

Android Services and Threads

The Main UI Thread, An Android Service, Async thread, IntentService, How Services and ActivitiesInteract and Communicate.

Saving Data to Files

Saving simple data using SharedPreferences object, Modifying preferences using a PreferencesActivity class, Reading and writing files in internal Android storage, How to read and write files in external SD card.


How to Create an SQLite Database, How to Create a Table, How to Add, View and Delete Table Data, How to access the SQLite Database using a third party Application, How to create a standalone SQL database which you can import into your application. 


Connecting to the Internet, Consuming WebServices via HTTP, BitMaps, Text, XML, JSON Data. 

Android Fragments

The Fragment Lifecycle, The Fragment Manager, Adding Fragments to Activities, Interfacing between Fragments and Activities, Adding Listener Eevents, Using the Backstack, Android Fragment Classes.

Content Providers

Sharing data in Android, Using a Content Provider, Create your own Content Provider.

Android Media

Introduction to the Media Player, Using the Audio Manager, Using the Camera to take Pictures, Storing content on and SD card.

Publishing your App

Preparing your App, Become a market publisher, Understanding Android Market, Uploading your App.

Enrolment date: 14 February 2025
Enrolment date: 14 February 2025

On successful completion of this course you will receive a Professional Diploma qualification that is certified and awarded by the ICM (Institute of Commercial Management).

The Institute of Commercial Management was founded in 1979 and is one of the leading Professional Examination and Certification Bodies in the world today. Fitzwilliam Institute have developed and provided practical skills training courses in liaison with the Institute of Commercial Management qualifications and certifications framework for over 25 years. The Institute of Commercial Management certifications and continual professional development training awards are recognised by leading industries, bodies and professions.

Enrolment date: 14 February 2025
next start date: 14th February 2025

Duration: You will have full access to online resources and subject expert support for 6 months. However, you can complete the course in as little as 3 - 4 months, by dedicating 6-8 hours of study per week.

Course Fees: 995.00 EUR

To secure your place on the course the full fee is required. All fees must be paid in full before the course begins. Please note, the full course fees are inclusive of all course materials and certification costs.

Enrolment intake is strictly limited on this course. Early application is advised. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis.

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Fitzwilliam Institute closes on Bank Holidays and for a number of days at Christmas and New Year. Fitzwilliam Institute reserves the right to postpone, cancel or alter courses without notice or to change any of the details in this brochure. Fees are not refundable unless the course is cancelled by Fitzwilliam Institute. Distance Learning courses are provided by Fitzwilliam Institute BGLS Ltd.

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Enrolment date: 14 February 2025

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