17 February

Postgrad insights: What are prospective postgraduates thinking?

A recent survey by Prospects UK analysed prospective postgraduates students' motivations, methods and pain points in 2017. From a total of 12,402 responses, results show that 29% of respondents are considering starting a postgraduate degree in the next 12 months. 76% of these are also considering a new job or career.

See what respondents' main reasons for starting a postgraduate course are below:

To gain a qualification for a specific role/career                 


To improve my career prospects generally


To further my knowledge in my field        


For the intellectual challenge           


To gain a title            


It is an alternative to getting employment at the moment


I don't know what else to do


My employer chose the course




No matter what your motivation for enroling on a postgraduate diploma course is, we can provide you with a practical set of communication skills, specialist knowledge pertaining to your industry, team working, leadership, cultural skills, as well as a specialist post degree qualification.

What we offer is not only a postgraduate qualification, we also guarantee an arranged work placement, which enables you to  get your foot in the door in a top company. This is where you will gain a wealth of knowledge, experience, you will meet new people, network and convert the experience into a "real job".

We are now accepting final applications:

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