18 July

I'm standing tall amongst my IT colleagues now

Quoc Tran, one of our recent Java Programming graduates, about his Fitzwilliam Institute experience:

"When I searched for “Java course” on Google, 51 million results were thrown back at me. Needless to say, I was a bit lost if not completely apprehensive. But I toughed it out and spent the next hour diving through the sea of Java courses. I'm not entirely sure why I selected Fitzwilliam Institute’s online Diploma in Java and Database Programming. Perhaps it was the professional look and feel of their website. Perhaps it was the course information they presented. Whatever the reason, I'm certainly glad I did the Java course at Fitzwilliam Institute. Java was completely new to me, so I felt I'd need a lot of guidance and support to help me through; and Fitzwilliam Institute did just that. The course materials were well structured and easy to follow. The practical exercises, whilst challenging, were interesting and enjoyable. And the tutors were always responsive and helpful, which was great for me, as I was unashamedly low on motivation and confidence. I'm standing tall amongst my IT colleagues now, because not only I have equipped myself with Object Oriented (Java) programming knowledge, but now I can also confidently get my hands dirty with mySQL databases. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who feels a bit light-headed at the mere mention of the word Java or Object Oriented. This course will definitely give you a healthy dose of practical knowledge in Java and mySQL database. Thank you, Fitzwilliam Institute!".

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