17 February

ICT sector will see pay increases and bonuses this year

The ICT sector is looking fruitful for those with the right skills, but the talent gap is still causing huge problems within the industry.

We’ve been talking about the ICT skills gap for a while now, and for good reason. The demand for ICT professionals is continuing to soar while the talent is only starting to catch up with the skills needed.

According to the latest salary and employment trends survey from Abrivia Recruitment and Trinity College Dublin, 80pc of ICT employers looking for new staff found their ICT roles the most difficult to fill.

Cloud and distributed computing topped the list of most in-demand ICT skills, with front- and back-end development following closely behind.

High demand equals higher pay cheques

While the talent gap in the ICT sector is a worry for employers at the moment, it’s good news for those who already have the skills that are sought after.

The survey found that 87pc of ICT employers plan to make new hires in 2017, and more than half of them plan to pay bonuses this year.

Almost 70pc of employers also expect to give pay rises of 3pc or more in 2017 to their ICT employees.

Aside from the need to find the talent, 64pc of those looking to employ overseas talent said their wage demands were lower than those in Ireland.

ICT employers are looking to ramp up their efforts to find the right talent, with 66pc willing to provide sponsorship for difficult-to-fill roles, up from 52pc last year.

As well as this, more than one third of employers said they will need a bigger office space in 2017 to accommodate the new hires.

The survey looked at 7,400 companies and 40,000 employees across multiple industry sectors.


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